The Awakening CD Release Party!

The Awakening CD Release Party

Sunday, June 26th, 2022


House Party

We are gonna try to have this show again! Christie Josef and The Purpose announce the Awakening CD release party to be held in Christie’s garden backyard Sunday, June 26th at 3:30.

Mark your calendars to attend this special afternoon of music and fun for the whole family. The band will play the full album with special guest Skip VonKuske adding his magical cello touch so brilliant on the album.

This will be the first show with new members Carl Smith on percussion and René Ormae-Jarmer playing drums and singing backing vocals. Along with the Master John Neff on bass, and the ever magnificent sound of Bret Malmquist on lead guitar, this band is chocked full of amazing talent!

More details will be released soon. The band and I are so excited to share this album and be together again. Fingers crossed!

Chloe Joy